Will we know loved ones in Heaven
Similarly, he said, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of god over one sinner who repents ( luke 15:10 ).The apostle paul anticipated seeing loved ones in heaven.God is a being of supreme love;If one is able to personally know his loved ones in heaven, will he not also be aware of those not there?So it seems inescapable that we shall, with them, approve the judgment of persons—rebels—whom we have known and loved.
There is no straightforward statement in scripture that says, in heaven we will all know our loved ones..They ignored the christians who preached to them that could escape hellfire by being in jesus christ.It doesn't speak of rejoicing by the angels but in the presence of angels.The ability to disguise himself seemed to be a phenomenon of his glorified body (luke 24).And the dead in christ will rise first.
In heaven, we will see with a new and far better perspective.For example, david wrote, you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay.As far as whether you will know who your mom and dad were, whether you will see or hear them (these words may not even apply in heaven).Paul says in 1 corinthians 13:12, now i know in part, but then i shall know just as i also am known. in heaven, we will know and be fully known.Sometimes if there was more than one spouse during a lifetime, due to death, we wonder which we'll be with in heaven.
How could one be truly happy under such circumstances?They are where they belong, the place they chose.We will rejoice all the more because we can praise and worship the lord in the company of other believers.Other people had been raised back to life, but those people all subsequently died again, that time for good.This exact question was asked by the sadducees to jesus.
The depth of his love for humanity is evidenced in the very gift of his son (jn.I simply cannot say, as the bible does not answer that question.Surely this includes saints in.