What s another word for calm down
Here are the synonyms for calm down, a list of similar words for calm down from our thesaurus that you can use.One may also ask, is saying calm down rude?Another word for calm down.To the person receiving those words, calm down the tone come across as condescending.Need you to calm down.
Act up, carry on, cut upChill out chill cool it cool off loosen up mellow relax settle down simmer down take a chill pill control oneself chill out cool down cool it cool off get hold of oneself go easy keep cool regain one's composure relax rest cool down bar bind bound cage circumscribeSynonyms for calming (down) chilling out [slang], cooling, hushing, piping down, quieting, settling (down) words related to calming (down) drying up relaxing, tranquilizing (also tranquillizing), unwinding, zoning out phrases synonymous with calming (down) cooling it near antonyms for calming (down) clowning (around), fooling around,Let's take some deep breaths!Synonyms for calm down (verb) calm , cool off , chill out , simmer down , settle down , cool it calm , quiet , tranquilize , tranquillize , tranquillise , quieten , lull , still