What is the dual of boolean expression
So you have to interchange + with.Let's know how to find the dual of any expression.For sum (or) of min terms (1), the representation of the equation will be.Digital electronics is an important subject, common for electrical, electronics, and instrumentation engineering students.Every boolean expression must be reduced to its simplest form before realizing it because each logic operation in the expression is carried out using hardware.
I read online that if we have a set of sop terms giving a boolean expression, then the pos terms of the complement of the sop terms will give the same expression.Let (s,∨,∧) be a boolean algebra.For example, the dual of xy̅ + 1 is equal to (x + y) · 0.Boolean algebra has a set of laws or rules that make the boolean expression easy for logic circuits.Here are the simplification rules:
Boolean duals are generated by simply replacing ands with ors and ors with ands.Consensus theorem is xy + x'z + yz = xy + x'zThe dual of a boolean expression is an expression that is obtained following these steps: