What is Bokanovskys process what is the purpose

What is Bokanovskys process what is the purpose

1315081751 20.04.2018 english secondary school +5 pts.The process can be repeated several times, though the maximum number of viable.The purpose of this process was to enable the government to control the population and the functions of the people in society.The process is described as being applied to fertilized human eggs in vitro, causing them to split into identical genetic copies of the original.Last updated by aslan 9 years ago 3/21/2013 12:38 pm.

The bokanovasky process is the method used by those in power to create identical (perfect) human beings for their respective tasks.Minimum of 8 buds and maximum of 96 buds.The bokanovsky process is important for social stability as envisioned in the novel brave new world.

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