What if your best friend betrays you
Unfortunately, when a friend betrays your trust you are not likely to get the truth from everyone around you, as they are much more likely to relay rumours, or just tell you what they think you want to hear.It is the betrayal of a friend.You'll never forget the pain like a fog that forever lingers in the depths of your mind.Don't try and act like it didn't happen.Thus, your friend won't be able to tell your intentions from looking at you.
It is the knife your friend stabbed you with.Find a good time and place to air your unhappiness.Often, this comes with the best of intentions, but it still means you should probably hear what.Here are some suggestions gleaned from the women i interviewed and from psychotherapists who write about these experiences.However, i wanted to help you out with this video in hopes that you can process your feelings a.
This is something you need to say to yourself more than someone who betrayed you and can't be trusted.It added forgive even when you don't stay friends.Normally people only hurt when someone is below or parallel to th.If they always left it casually on the coffee tables or counters, now they will take it everywhere they go.One thing about a harsh reality is that betrayal is usually received by those we call a best friend.
You have only one thing to do.However, it's important to realize that there are people who have personality traits that just make them prone to very awkward behavior.Lastly, depending on the type of betrayal and the amount of emotional pain seeking professional help can be effective.If you did the betraying, apologize but give your friend space.If you want to maintain the friendship, ask her for a time to talk.