Why is hitting a child ineffective
They add to the load of hurt that makes children aggressive.Beating brings back bad memories:Hold them and explain, no hitting.One of the goals of parents is to fill their children's memory bank with.The more you hit him, the more he will commit mistakes, which in turn will make him.
Handle all things with love.Validating your child's emotions is the basis of attachment parenting.Remember that you may have to repeat this rule numerous times, using the same words, until your child gets it.There's going to be lot of people that think that a parent absolutely needs to use physical force to raise a compliant child.I have spanked her and made her say she is sorry, but the next day she is hitting again. understanding your child, yourself, and the situation
Redirect and encourage a child who is about to hit to use words or show what he wants.A child's memories of being spanked can scar otherwise joyful scenes of growing up.Hitting children in an attempt to correct behaviour is the absolute worst.Again, don't assume you know what your child was feeling when he hit or kicked someone.Other studies have documented that physical discipline can escalate into abuse.
Be firm and consistent each time your child becomes aggressive.Children have a very sensitive nature.Punishment doesn't seem to work.When you hit your child, you also communicate that it is okay to hurt a person you love.We want the child to know that he did wrong, and to feel remorse, but to still believe that he is a person who has value.
This really makes me angry.1 reason that children hit is that their brains are taking a little longer to mature.